Video Super-Notes Introduction:- #
Super-Notes Introduction:- #
This functionality has been developed as there has been a need to save notes (which could be repetitive)and reproduce (paste) them at a later date so as to save time and effort. We have named this functionality as “Super Notes”. A Pertexa IQ user can now add/edit/delete the notes at all places where is an annotation sign. User can select a note from the collection and reproduce it by selecting “Paste” button.
The collection of Super Notes can be created and stored in an organised manner using a “Header” and a “Sub-Header”. These two levels are compulsory. A Header can have Multiple Sub-headers and a Sub-header can have multiple notes under each. For Example a Header can be ‘Allergy’ while a sub-header could be ‘Drug Allergies’ and under this could be numerous notes related to it.
Also there are “Expand All” and “Collapse All” buttons to expand and collapse all notes or a set of notes by selecting the relevant header / sub-header created under super notes.
To add note at root level, user has to unselect notes if any and have to click “Add” button. When user press “Add” button, it will open a box above the buttons for adding new note ‘Heading’ (refer screenshot 1.2). Here user will have to type the content of heading inside the box with placeholder of “Type Heading”.
User can add subheading by selecting main heading and pressing “Add” button. By doing this user can again see the textbox with placeholder of “Type Subheading”
Same way if user select subheading (or second level note) and pressing “Add” button, it will open again same textbox with placeholder “Type Annotation” for adding annotation – a Super Note.
There are some limitations of text as below:-
Heading – 20 characters
Subheading – 40 characters
Annotation or a Super Note – No Limit
At first look Annotation will show first few characters with … appended at last with “show more” button, to view full annotation user has to click on that button. On doing so, full annotation text will appear with “show less” button (by clicking on this, the annotation will again appear with first few characters with “show more” button)
User can add maximum 3 levels of notes.
Heading > Subheading > Annotation
All notes will be sorted in Alphabetic order by default.
So user can add notes in sequence by using list style like 1. ,2. etc. or a1,a2,a3 etc.
Edit :- #
If user needs to edit an existing note, user has to select that note and then have to click “Edit” button; by doing this user will see box like screenshot 1.3
To save changes made in that textbox, user has to press “Save” button.
Delete :- #
If user needs to delete any note, user has to select that note and then have to click “Delete” button, by doing this user will see the confirmation box like in screenshot 1.4
If user click “Ok” button, selected note will be deleted. To cancel delete operation user have to click “x” button of that confirmation box.
Selection of Note :- #
To use selected annotation – Super Note, user has to click “Paste” button.
User can use only 3rd level notes as annotation i.e. it will enable “Paste” button only when user select 3rd level notes.
Level 1 is compulsory “Heading” and level 2 is compulsory “Sub-Heading”