The main problem in any data-driven system is the entry of bad information or the lack of entry of good required information. To this end, you have available three utilities that allow the user to implement logic rules to request missing data and/or alert when entered data may be malformed. The resulting alert may be a warning or a fatal error, at the user’s discretion.
Person Rules #
Example: User did not enter a birthday. The result is a WARNING, allowing the user to continue without correcting.
Example: The user did not enter a coverage case. The result is an ERROR, prohibiting the user from continuing without correcting.
Appointment Rules #
Example: The patient had multiple coverage cases and the user did not designate which case to use. The result is an ERROR, prohibiting the user from continuing without correcting.
Charge Rules #
Example: User did not check the Signature On File box [SOF]. The result is an ERROR, prohibiting the user from continuing without correcting.